NOTE: No email will be sent to the recipient until payment has been completed. Upon recipient's approval the gift will be sent! But if rejected by the recipient a full refund will be provided.
Privacy is 100% fully protected & guaranteed. So far, already over thousands of gifts have been successfully delivered!
Enter the email of the recipient, choose your flowers/gift and the recipient will receive an email to either accept or reject the gift. After being accepted the recipient will need to provide us their contact information and the gift will then be delivered on the selected delivery date. All information is kept private for both the sender and recipient. We cannot and will not provide any information provided by the recipient to the sender.
This service is especially helpful for those who meet people online on websites such as social networking, love match, dating, singles, alumni, special events, online chat and chatroom sites. Some of the popular sites and apps include,,, Tinder,, OKcupid, Bumble and Instagram. Chats include Whatsapp, Snap, Tiktok, Wechat, QQ, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram and Line.
Especially for those who do not know each other very well and have met only online, this service protects both sides, the sender and recipient by keeping all information private. The sender and recipient's privacy is fully protected. No information is disclose about the recipient such as the recipient's address and contact number.
1. Enter the recipient's email 2. Order your gift.
3. Select the date of delivery, then fill out the form. Enter details such as your email address and greeting message. You have the option to write a note to the recipient, decide whether the recipient can view the gift before accepting it and let the recipient view your name or keep it anonymous. However, disclosing your name will widen the chance for the recipient to accept the gift.
You do not have to do anything further. We do the rest. Upon the recipient's acceptance, your gift will be sent to the recipient. If rejected, your order will be cancelled and you will be
given a full refund.
When receiving the gift notification the recipient will be very curious and surprised. An email will be sent to the recipient to accept or reject the gift. If rejected you will get a full refund. Below is an example of what the recipient will receive in the email.
We are pleased to let you know a gift is being sent to you. Because the sender may only have your email address, our company provides this service to help arrange the gift delivery. Please note that we do not share any of your private information to the sender. The sender will not be given any information you provide us. All your information is kept safe and private.
You may accept or reject the gift. If you accept the gift, please provide your contact details such as telephone number and delivery address. If you wish for us to call you to arrange the gift delivery, please write this in the delivery address. The information you provide is kept private and we do not let the sender know. Lastly, please note that the gift will expire after the selected delivery date chosen by the sender.
2000-2025 Flat
delivery fee of
USD 25.95
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